Ear Wax Removal services in Cheadle | Stockport

At Truly Hearing Clinic in Cheadle, we offer a specialised and gentle earwax removal service to ensure your optimal hearing health. Our experienced audiologists use safe and effective methods to remove excess earwax, providing relief and clarity.

Free Hearing Screen for every appointment booked online. ask in store for details

Affordable professional ear wax removal

Ear wax build up can cause hearing loss, ear pain or ear discomfort. The safest way to remove ear wax without compacting it further or damaging the delicate structures of the ear. At Truly Hearing Clinic in Cheadle, we offer safe irrigation, syringing and micro-suctioning ear wax removal.

We also offer hearing tests and hearing aid fitting services.



Microsuction ear wax removal involves using gentle suctioning to remove excess wax from your ears.


Syringing or irrigating

Ear wax removal using syringing or irrigating involves gently pushing water into the ear canal to flush out the excess wax.

Ear Health Check and Screening Test

If you feel like you are struggling to hear when there is a lot of background noise but not ready for a full hearing assessment, visit Truly Hearing Clinic in Cheadle for a Hearing Health Check. Book in for an Ear Health Check and/or Hearing Test Screening appointment with our specialists.

What can I expect during my Ear Health Check?

We will carry out an examination of your ears by using an otoscope and will ask a few medical questions in relation to your ears and health.

  • If build-up of Earwax is causing loss of hearing due to a blockage, our specialist will remove the Earwax before carrying out the hearing test. Alternatively, you will be offered to book a follow-up appointment for treatment.

  • Earwax is removed via Micro-suction or Irrigation (syringing) both methods are quick and pain free.

Hearing Test Screening appointment?

  • We will conduct a Screening Hearing Test to confirm if your hearing is within a normal range by testing key frequencies.

  • If we discover a loss in your hearing as a result of the hearing test, we will discuss your options with you which include whether you would benefit from a Full Hearing Assessment with our Audiologist or a referral to your GP.

hearing problems

Ear wax cleaning prices

Micro-Suction & Irrigation / Syringing 
Only £55 - One or Two ears
No Ear Wax - £25 charge for appointment time
Drop In Ear Checks - £5

Full Hearing Assessment - £65

*Full Hearing Assessment and Earwax Removal FREE upon purchase of Hearing Aids

ear wax removal

All top branded hearing aids

Unbeatable prices. Price match Guarantee. Unitron Vivante hearing aids from £1595 per pair

  • bshaa

  • hcpc

  • phonak

  • unitron

  • starkley

  • resound

Truly Hearing & Wellbeing frequently asked questions

Ear wax is produced naturally to protect the ear canal from dirt and bacteria. Over time, it can build up and block the ear canal, leading to a range of issues such as irritation and even hearing loss.

We don’t recommended removing ear wax at home as it can be difficult to do so safely. It is best to have ear wax removal done professionally by a hearing healthcare expert such as the audiologists at Truly Hearing - Cheadle Clinic.

Yes, ear wax removal is safe when performed by a hearing healthcare professional. At Truly Hearing - Cheadle Clinic, our experienced professionals use advanced technology and techniques to safely and effectively remove ear wax without causing any irrigation or injury.

Yes, professional ear wax removal is generally pain-free. Though uncommon, some individuals may experience mild discomfort during the procedure. The hearing healthcare professionals at Truly Hearing - Cheadle Clinic are committed to providing a comfortable and safe experience for our patients. We recommend letting us know during the removal if you feel any discomfort or pain.


Book an appointment with a trusted hearing specialist

The team at Truly Hearing Clinic in Cheadle offers professional hearing health services to customers in and around Cheadle.